
AKASO’s Meet the Cycling Heroes


Outdoor sports like cycling rarely make it onto the mainstream scene except by proxy via the world's largest cycling competitions like the World Road cycling competition. Such competitions hold seasonally worldwide, and millions of people stream them online, while others watch them on cable TV. The big BUT lies in the fact that none of these can be as enthralling as catching the best of free air cycling on camera without the hustle and bustle of world competition. The air of originality is unmatched!

AKASO’s action camera has laid the precedent for helping cyclists preserve their most spontaneous cycling moments on any terrain. It becomes a whole lot more special when you get to review a genius action moment that occurred to you as a cyclist right in the heat of the moment.

Why? Who knows? Maybe you can attempt to unlock its secrets further and perfect it while also sharing it with friends and family. You no longer have to miss out on recapturing the good old feeling of discovering from riding across your favourite spots in the woods, along trails or in your favourite parks.

It gives you a lot more to be proud of at the moment and maybe forever. We will be learning more about AKASO’s three huge personalities that have carved out a reputation of being some of the world's greatest cycling enthusiasts. It is a good idea to learn a thing or two about their experience and drive, which makes them so invested in the world of cycling.

Craig Ripley

Craig Ripley, a 60-year-old cyclist and adventurer, has spent over two decades thriving in the freedom that comes with adventurous riding. He has a cool piece of hardware that conveys him on his adventures across far distances, except for when he has to travel by air. Otherwise, while inland, Ripley spends most of his days on his gorgeous cycle travelling from one part of the country to another. Most of his early travels took place in his hometown, and he has been an inspiration for aspiring bikers looking to showcase what they've learned over time.

You can also envision him as a seasoned tour guide and author who encourages people to follow their dreams and ambitions until they are liberated. He owns a website, "Living off the slab", with the dot com domain where he publishes entries of his cross-country trips on his motorcycle where he describes how thrilling and magical it is to take in the entire environment.

Ripley reckons that traveling is fun but better when you do so on the back of a two-wheeled beauty. To be candid, the great sensations and the sweet scenting perception of the lush vegetation and beautiful landscape are majestic. Does it think it could be uncomfortable and maybe a little dangerous? Yes! But isn't that what real adventure is all about? There is no better way to break your bonds and expand your personal limitations.

On his website, you can check out some of his published tour guides, where he offers explicit tour tips and the best directions to explore visiting a city. Some of his most recent works include the Boston to Alaska Tour, which he embarked on in 2017. You can also check out his 60/60 Ride Tour, where he shared his experiences on a tour when he clocked 60 years old. We'll admit that a thrilling way to enjoy your birthday as cycling enthusiasts is to spend a few days travelling across a thousand miles to celebrate a most thrilling life well lived.

Ruti Reisen

Patrick, a.k.a Ruti Reisen, is a cycling gearhead, YouTuber, and blogger. It is fascinating, truly, how he manages to keep things together; he has always been on the road. Ruti published hundreds of blog content covering his long-distance adventures travelling by land from one country to another. He strongly favours the long and arduous journey associated with the long trip in the heat and under the harshest weather conditions. Ruti endures it all for the pure pleasure of the exhilarating fun that comes with feeling the cool breeze blow across your face while also fully taking in the beauty of his environment.

He hates how travelling by air totally obscures how beautiful the world really is and how much of an experience it takes away from you by literally zooming you from the starting point to the finish line without a single clue of the thousands of civilizations over which you just flew. He is the modern-day Marco Polo, and he can't but talk about how fantastic his journey from Germany to China was. He travelled the whole length without taking his feet off the ground.

Ruti is a big achiever, and he has made it a mission to enlighten people more about road travelling, not just with cycling alone but by any other means of land transportation. He loves a good challenge and has travelled to the following countries, including Finland. Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Slovakia, Russia, Estonia and other countries that lay between Germany and all the way to China. That’s a hell of a challenge crossed off his bucket list. Think you can do the same? Challenge accepted!

Pietro Franzese

Pietro is one gearhead that fancies himself a full-blown explorer on a bike. He tours the nook and cranny of several reputable locations worldwide to give his followers a good view of what lies around and in their favourite tourist sports.

Through his lens, we have seen an HD view of how beautiful the world is on the inside without casting any blurry line about how thrilling the experience could be. A prime example of this is his fascinating capture of the Santiago De Compostela in Galicia, Spain. It is one of his best works yet. Some of his followers have reportedly commented about he made them feel like they had been on tour with him. Like Ripley and Ruti, he also uses AKASO’s Action camera to capture some of his best moments and views of the world and uploads them online for the world to see for free.


Our heroes are users of the action camera. They have found a new purpose in capturing high-quality images and videos on their bikes while travelling worldwide. They pass across the message of freedom and would do more as the year goes by. They also encourage other adventurers to rise on their feet and explore their immediate environment on a wonderful two-wheeled ride under any climate. They're judges for our brand new Shot on AKASO competition. Submit your content now to get a chance to win big cash!


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